


RED offers a full range of services including consultant selection and coordination, programing and spatial planning review, design oversite, operations and management coordination, cost control, invoice review, contractor oversite, and turnover assistance. We are able to act as a direct extension of our client’s internal team, which allows them to flex in depth when and where they need it, realizing great economic efficiency.

We offer our clients strategic guidance and direction every step of the way in order to ensure a successful outcome for their development, repositioning, or renovation projects. With an extensive consultant network and over 35 years of combined industry experience, RED is equipped with the necessary tools to help you maximize asset value and deliver your projects on schedule and within budget.



RED assists owners in the selection of the full consultant team, as appropriate for each individual project. We draft and issue RFPs to the various consultants in order to ensure competitive responses and assist appointed counsel with the negotiation of selected consultant contracts. Throughout the project, we manage the coordination between outside consultants and the design team in order to refine and finalize design and to create/compile plan packages that are required for submittal and approval.


Proper programming is crucial to the success of an asset. We provide guidance and input on room mix, layouts, public space programming, facilities, and back-of-house areas in order to maximize revenue and enhance efficiency. We direct and work with the consultant team to map out planning options and analyze them to find ways to create additional value. Additionally, we advise owners regarding options related to MEP and IT systems and provide recommendations that are appropriate for the specific project.


RED Hospitality controls the design process to avoid time consuming and costly redesign efforts. We work in conjunction with the design team to evolve the design in a manner that can be executed effectively and is operationally viable and efficient. We review all finishes, plans, and specifications and provide input on overall design concept, color scheme, materials, graphics, and artwork in order to comply with the standards and desires as set forth by the owner.


We have in-depth experience working with all of the major hospitality brands. We fully review brand requirements and make strategic recommendations to ownership regarding possible deviations from brand standards. RED Hospitality often acts as the owner’s appointed representative in all communications and negotiations with the brand.

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We are equipped to represent you in all local meetings with partners, co-developers, consultants, contractors, lenders, etc. Should your project involve local third parties such as potential F&B partners, PR teams, and others, RED runs point on all coordination efforts among them.


We help you think about what happens after the development is complete. We focus on both front-of-house and back-of-house requirements and collaborate with the owner, operational team, designer, and procurement agent to ensure adequate attention is given to the future operational needs of the asset. This level of attention results in a smooth transition to operations.


We understand that the most important aspect of any development project is adhering to the budget. We help you finalize the budget and assist with value engineering throughout the process by reviewing plans and specifications to find ways to cut costs that don’t compromise the design concept or intent. We compile and manage project draws and cost reports and review and scrub monthly invoices, prior to submission for payment.


RED Hospitality has an extensive network of contractors that we have worked with on a variety of different projects. We will create a short-list of appropriate contractors for the specific job, solicit proposals, lead negotiations, and coordinate contract execution. We provide advice and feedback on project phasing in an effort to minimize disruption for operating properties and maximize revenue potential. Our team conducts site visits throughout the construction process in order to manage and drive progress.



When it comes time to hand a property over to the operations team, we can assist with the transition by setting quality standards during the punch process and creating effective templates for managing punch lists and turnover matrices.


Prior to having a property in the portfolio, we can assist with the evaluation of a potential asset in a variety of ways. Some of these include reviewing various documents produced during due diligence, reviewing and negotiation PIPs, providing recommendations for future scope, managing the necessary 3rd party investigations (Property Condition Assessments, Phase 1 Environmental, ADA, etc.), to help inform costs, risks and opportunities, prior to purchase.


Selling an asset as-is can be lucrative if it can be properly positioned to show its future potential, today. With a limited investment of capital, we can help you demonstrate the future value by creating an appropriate offering package for the market. This allows potential buyers to understand the potential opportunity and upside of the investment, creating immediate value during a sale.

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